About the Bubble
Fine Bubble Aeration
The greater the surface area the more efficient the transfer of oxygen from the air bubble to the water. As an example, a coarse bubble of 20mm would have a volume of 4.19 cm3 and a surface area of 12.6 cm2.
From that same 20mm coarse bubble you could make 296 fine bubbles of 3mm each. These fine bubbles would have a total surface area of 83.6 cm2. This is 6.6 times the surface area of the coarse bubble.

The fine bubble aeration would theoretically aerate 6.6 times as much water as the coarse bubble aeration.
Contact Time of Bubble to Water
Of prime importance in aeration is the speed at which the bubble rises to the surface.
- slower speed increases contact time with water
- faster speed decreases contact time
Fine bubble aeration causes the bubbles to rise to the surface significantly slower than coarse bubbles. As bubbles rise to the surface they drag water behind them creating friction. Since fine bubbles have a greater surface area than coarse bubbles, the friction is greater and the bubble will rise more slowly. This increased period of time in which the bubble is in contact with the area allows more oxygen to be dissolved into the water. This provides better overall water quality.
Water Circulation
Fine bubble aeration creates an efficient vertical circulation, this continual upward motion of the fine bubbles destratifies the water body. Fine bubble diffused aeration, therefore, effectively mixes water and reduces potential anaerobic sediment greatly improving water quality.
Find out more about Aquatech’s fine bubble diffusion tubing